AniVoxel is an editor for grid constrained skeletal voxel animations, helping you bring your voxel models to life faster.

Previously, animation of voxel models was available in two ways: Frame by frame modeling/modification in editors such as MagicaVoxel and non-grid constrained animations in editors such as Blender, Maya, or others. With AniVoxel it is now possible to animate voxel models using bones while keeping the unique grid-constrained animation style.

Import models from MagicaVoxel or Qubicle, setup a bone rig, and start moving those voxels with many export options (vox, ply, obj, fbx, glTF) available! Make use of advanced features such as smear frames, per-frame visibility, gif recording, animation tileset generation and more.

Try before you buy - Try the AniVoxel demo and see if this is for you!

AniVoxel is currently available for Windows and Linux with MacOS support in development.

Join the Discord to share your creations, discuss, provide feedback, or report issues.


Within-Mesh Interpolation

Per-Frame Mesh Visibility

Per-Frame Smear Frames

Isometric Tileset Generation

Automatic Voxel to Bone Assignment

Inbuilt Gif Recorder

Bone Mirroring